Harambe Ibogaine Detox Retreat Centre - Testimonials

Below are many testimonials of our service, please browse them at leisure.

Mohamed (Testimonial)
I am from Switzerland, 32 years old and have been addicted to heroin since I was 22 years old. I had tried various ways to quit heroin, even the Zobin method in Russia, but they did not really work. Before I came here, I was maintaining my addiction for one year with 30mg per day […]
Mohamed (Testimonial)

I am from Switzerland, 32 years old and have been addicted to heroin since I was 22 years old. I had tried various ways to quit heroin, even the Zobin method in Russia, but they did not really work. Before I came here, I was maintaining my addiction for one year with 30mg per day of methadone, not long ago I had a weak moment and used heroin again. Because I have a wife and a child, I knew I had to do something and in that year of methadone I realized that it stabilized me but did not really help me to get rid of the addiction. Really, I just replaced an illegal addiction for a legal one.

By chance, my wife found in the internet something about a plant called iboga from Africa which maybe help for addicted people. She had done a lot of research and found a place in Europe where it is possible to get Ibogaine treatment.

I did not really believe that it was going to work, but it was still better than doing nothing. We decided to go the Harambe House in Spain.

Arriving full of pain, I got the test dose of ibogaine straight away when I arrived. Then I got tired. Then I started to feel like a motor and that the iboga spirit started to clean me like with a brush. One year ago, my shoulder was dislocated and at that moment I realized the iboga spirit sorted just right at that spot. After a while it went to my stomach. There it was like a war, it had so much to clean. I also felt it sort my negative thinking away in my head. It was even in my legs and bones. After that I could really feel how the toxic energy was leaving through my hands. I also had personal visions and could see places and people.

They gave me 2 treatments, the first was hard as it fought the methadone in my body, the second, 4 days later was much better, I had a very spiritual journey and saw many things, it gave me advice about my future. I feel like new-born. The fresh food from the garden tasted really good. I hear better, I could see better just in one day. I also got massages which made me feel great. I feel happy and really free and light.

Catherine and Bilal treated me very good and were very friendly. They looked after me really well and the food they cooked was delicious.

I rested some days here after the treatment and will now soon go back to my country. I am really happy that I do not need to take anything. I feel prepared for the future to come.

Thank you a lot Catherine and Bilal.

I would recommend it to EVERYBODY

Juan (Testimonial)
I went to Harambe, in order to receive psychospiritual help from Iboga. I felt like really deep in my soul, there was something that wasn’t right, I didn’t know what, but i knew that it was the source of most of my life problems. I had already taken ayahuasca and other plants many times, read […]
Juan (Testimonial)

I went to Harambe, in order to receive psychospiritual help from Iboga. I felt like really deep in my soul, there was something that wasn’t right, I didn’t know what, but i knew that it was the source of most of my life problems.

I had already taken ayahuasca and other plants many times, read a lot of books, and meditated for years. And even though, it for sure, helped a lot, it still didn’t get to the source of my life problems.

So, the experience of taking the iboga, i can only say was like being on a three-day conversation with god, although time got really expanded, and so it felt more like a week in bed, chatting about every single aspect of my life with god. Setting everything straight. It helped me understand endless problems i had, with my family, friends, career, spirituality. It’s a kind of union with your soul, with life, with the universe, where everything is set straight. I felt the experience gave the culmination of a lifelong search for god, love and peace. After that, I feel I never separated again, now I feel at all times, in the middle of the city, at peace, in love with life and at one with the core of my being. I feel, Iboga has been the most profound spiritual experience of my life, for a spiritual seeker, this can be the enlightening, heart opening experience many are looking for.

The experience was very strong, and yet manageable. I healed a lot of issues with my family, relationships, and life direction, and also i felt i was faced with the core root negativity and pain within me, at times i felt like a battle between good and evil, a bit biblical in a way! But eventually it resolved in both sides kind of understanding each other, healing the wound, and all my inner parts integrating into one healthy soul. I just would not recommend to anyone who doesn’t want to have a very complete change in their lives. It becomes difficult, only when we don’t want to face some problems or ideas within us. For anyone really wanting to put an end to their miseries, someone who is tired of going in circles in any area of their lives, this is extremely useful, I felt it helped me not just get out of many mental vicious circles, but to totally break the circles. 4 months have passed, and I feel the positive effects in my life are not only long lasting, but on-going. I feel a clarity, peace, love and understanding inside, that was impossible for me before, and in a way, it gave me the courage and skill to keep going, breaking cycles, and getting rid of negative ideas that are good for nothing. Somehow it has opened something within me, a connection with my soul, with god, and I feel that it is guiding me daily, at all times, into making good choices, being understanding of others, and enjoying the beauty and love that is all around, that i found so hard to see before.

Many people ask me about how it is compared to ayahuasca, or peyote. And my experience, is that while those sacred plants are very deep and healing, the iboga experience, while is also very deep, is basically very long, so you can´t possibly hide anything from it, so you heal much deeper, in many more areas of life. So, it’s not really fair to compare to such plants, since the therapeutic effect of a iboga treatment, is like having a week long ayahuasca ceremony non-stop, or years of psychotherapy. So i felt that the price is really good for such an amazing value. I felt that I payed not only for a treatment, but for a life transformation, that would have taken years if not decades to happen otherwise. Not only that, but now, what i value most, is that this is not a one time high, and then after you go back to normal, somehow it is as if my soul has remained opened, and day to day, I’m continuously getting better. Its amazing, not only there is no comedown, but after four months, I’m still getting better daily, understanding things better, and living life in a more complete and integrated way.

I am extremely thankful for the huge help i have received from the plant and from Bilal and Catherine at Harambe. I would recommend to anyone who wants to heal themselves totally on all levels, and to anyone who is ready to make a total powerful shift in their lives, who is really tired of a life they don’t prefer, and are ready to live life powerfully with their whole being. The setting could not be better, and i felt being part of their family, not just a patient. They are very knowledgeable and know how to handle any situation and answer any question. After a few months from the treatment, and seeing the great results I’ve had, I’m going to recommend it to everyone I love.

I am forever thankful.

Constantine, Germany (Testimonial)
Coming to Harambe Detox took courage for me because I have done a heroin detox with ibogaine once last year and was sober for a year. About month and a half ago I started using daily intravenously and I don’t have a good reason for it. Started with drinking a lot and one night and […]
Constantine, Germany (Testimonial)

Coming to Harambe Detox took courage for me because I have done a heroin detox with ibogaine once last year and was sober for a year. About month and a half ago I started using daily intravenously and I don’t have a good reason for it. Started with drinking a lot and one night and just ran into heroin. Iboga is a commitment and you have to decide 100% to do it because it’s very very difficult to go through and if your resisting it will be much worse.

In the AA/NA meetings, they say it works if you work it. The same with iboga you have to let it to its work and it’s not pretty! But it works! Takes away your obsession and compulsion to use drugs after 3 days being off heroin and going through detox. In regular cases that obsession is usually gone after about 2 months of being in a rehab. A little description of the place at Cathy and Bilal’s is very cosy, perfect for what you need.

Sometimes it got a bit noisy because it is a family house and they live their lives too. At one time the noise was bothering me a lot and I thought to myself I’m at their house they are helping to get off the worst drugs on earth and save my life compared to traditional hospital detoxes or rehabs, Harambe is very very good price compared to other places! And just like that my whole perception changed and was feeling comfortable and grateful. Iboga detox/trip was very hard for me I didn’t sleep for 48 hours, vomited, and shit my pants for 2 days, lay in bed having images in my head of my death if I continued using heroin.

On the third day everything changed I went through what I had to go through with iboga and was feeling really well on the third day, we went for a day trip to the beach! Imagine that on a normal rehab. I’m forever grateful for Cathy and Bilal’s place on a Valencia orange farm surrounded by nature. That gave me time and space to reconnect and to move forward and once again learn from the relapse. I’ve had about 3 relapses after having some time clean. Some people go through them some don’t. I’ve grown through them and got stronger. And with the help of plant medicines, it made possible for me to feel alive again.

Jens, Germany (Testimonial)
Ibogaine is something I heard about years ago and since a while, I was searching for a place where to do it and found Harambe Detox. All internet testimonies will not even come close to explain, what this treatment really is and what it means. After having finalized I have to say it is the […]
Jens, Germany (Testimonial)

Ibogaine is something I heard about years ago and since a while, I was searching for a place where to do it and found Harambe Detox.

All internet testimonies will not even come close to explain, what this treatment really is and what it means. After having finalized I have to say it is the best thing that happened in my life since a long time. All packages I carried during all my life have disappeared.

As well my dependency problem is gone. The center is nice and quiet and Bilal and Catherine are the nicest persons. The experience and the outcome cannot be described – fantastic. And I will come again in a couple of months to repeat it – at least for one more time.

I can only say: thank you both – and to all others: do not hesitate, do it. You will not regret.

Rene, Germany (Testimonial)
Ibogaine zu nehmen war eine der besten Entscheidungen meines Lebens. Bevor ich nach Valencia kam, war sich normal fühlen ohne Drogen kaum möglich. Ich habe 2 Jahre regelmäßig legale Ampehtamine und MDMA-ähnliche Substanzen (RSs) genommen, um mich normal zu fühlen. Das letzte Jahr dann verstärkt Kratom (Opioid), was bei mir zu einer nicht geraden schwachen […]
Rene, Germany (Testimonial)

Ibogaine zu nehmen war eine der besten Entscheidungen meines Lebens. Bevor ich nach Valencia kam, war sich normal fühlen ohne Drogen kaum möglich.

Ich habe 2 Jahre regelmäßig legale Ampehtamine und MDMA-ähnliche Substanzen (RSs) genommen, um mich normal zu fühlen. Das letzte Jahr dann verstärkt Kratom (Opioid), was bei mir zu einer nicht geraden schwachen Abhängigkeit geführt hat. Meine Neurotrasmitter waren deutlich verstellt, so das ich mich ohne “Drogen” oder Alcohol nicht normal fühlen konnte.

Durch Zufall entdeckte ich Ibogaine als ich mal wieder versuchte das Kratom abzusetzen. Ich lass 2 Wochen ununterbrochen ALLES über Ibogaine. Dann kurz vor Weihnachten fühlte ich mich extrem Depressiv auch mit Kratom und co. Meine Situation war elend. Ich dachte ich muss jetzt so schnell wie möglich eine Ibogaine Therapie haben. Ich recherchierte alle europäischen Anbieter und achtete A) auf mindesten 5 Jahre Erfahrung und B) darauf das eine starke Dosis gegeben wird. Viele Ibogaintherapeuten geben angeblich so kleine Dosen, dass man nach 6 Stunden noch laufen kann Ich wollte die volle therapeutische “Dröhnung”.

Wie der Zufall es möglich machte, hatte Bilal vom 24.12 bis 1.1 noch eine Woche frei, die ich kurzfristig sofort buchte. Cool fand ich es, das ich am ersten Weihnachtstag meine Dosis nahm g. Ich flog nach Valencia, Bilal holte mich mit seiner entzückenden Tochter am Flughafen ab und 4 Stunden später bekam ich meine Testdosis und dann kurz danach die ganze Dosis.

Bei mir kam die Wirkung erstaunlich schnell in 30 Minuten. Ich legte mich hin, hörte fasziniert das sausen in den Ohren und schloss meine Augen. Die ersten 6 Stunden waren wie ein seltsamer Schlaf. Ich hatte keine Visionen. Nach ca 3 Stunden merkte ich wie MÄCHTIG Ibogaine ist.

Ich bemerkte eine ungeheuere Entlastung. Meine traumatischen Erinnerungen waren GELÖSCHT! Nicht nur die im Zusammenhang mit dem Drogenkonsum, sondern auch fast alle schmerzhaften Erinnerungen wie z.B. von der Trennung meiner Freundin.

Ibogaine war bei mir nicht selektiv. Es löscht alle negativen Gefühle die schon lange in mir schlummerten. Ja es war sogar schwer sich an diese zu erinnern. Für mich war es eine absolute Sensation das so etwas möglich ist. Ibogaine ist purer Luxus! Ich hatte weder eine bahnbrechendes spirituelles Erlebnis, noch konnte ich irgendwelche Informationen aus dem Trip herausziehen. Ich war einfach total geresettet. Auch Erwartungen an meine Mitmenschen wurden gelöscht, sowie die Erwartungen an mich selber.

Viele Pläne die ich mir auferlegt hatte machten keinen Sinn mehr und ich sah klar was wirklich wichtig für mich ist. Nämlich dafür zu sorgen, dann ich mich absolut bestens fühle und einer Aufgabe nachgehe, die mich glücklich macht. Gier und irrationale Vorstellungen wurden reduziert. Unbeschreiblich auf wie vielen Ebenen das Ibogaine wirkt. Der Verstand hat deutliche Probleme das zu fassen.

Ich hatte eine unglaubliche Ruhe in mir, die ich wirklich JEDEM wünsche.

Als jemand der Ibogaine noch nicht erlebt hat kann man sich nicht verstehen, wie VIELE Erinnerungen einen unterbewusst belasten! Nach der Dosis fallen diese Weg. Was für eine Sensation! Ich nenne Ibogaine seit dem Erlebnis “Staubsauger des Unterbewusstseins.” Ich brauchte 36 Stunden bis ich mich wieder gut bewegen und an die frische Luft gehen konnte.

Bilal und Catherine haben sich liebenswert um mich gekümmert und sind absolut easy going. Die ganze Atmosphäre wie bei Freunden zu Hause konnte besser nicht sein. Wir haben bestimmt über 30 Stunden geredet und uns ausgetauscht. Die beiden führen ein durchweg natürliches Leben an einem wunschschönen Ort mitten in einer Orangenplantage. Das Essen aus dem eigenen Garten war fantastisch! Besonders wenn nach dem Ibogaine die Geschmacksnerven besser funktionieren den je.

Mein Verlangen nach Drogen, Alk oder Kippen war fast nicht mehr vorhanden. Meine zittrigen Hände zitterten nicht mehr, was ich seit Geburt mit mir rumtrug. Irgendetwas hat das Ibogaine an meine Nerven geheilt, wofür ich unendlich dankbar bin. Ich bin jetzt die Ruhe in Person.

Die Woche nach der Behandlung war grandios. Nach dem die letzten Reste des Ibogaine aus meinem Körper waren, kam mein RICHTIGES Leben zurück. Morgends nach 8 Stunden Schlaf automatisch aufwachen. Keine Schmerzen. Gute Energie und eine leichte Euphorie. Man fragt sich: “Was mache ich heute wieder geiles?” Ich würde sogar behaupten, das ich mich sogar besser fühle als bevor ich mit den Drogen angefangen habe! Deswegen empfehle ich die Behandlung bei Bilal jedem, auch wenn er mit Drogen nix zu tun hat. Meine Meinung: Ibogaine ist das Beste was man sich selber schenken kann. Verstehen kann man das jedoch erst wenn man es gemacht hat smile.

Meine Woche bei Bilal und Catherine war eines der schönsten Erlebnisse meines Lebens. Und bei Bilal kann man besser nicht aufgehoben sein. Vielen Dank Euch beiden für dieses Erlebnis! Ich komme in ein par Monaten wieder.


Oli, France (Testimonial)
Namaste, my name is Oli. Like a lot of you I guess, I’ve been looking for a place to do Ibogaine for a long time: the right location, the right cost, the right feeling…but most of all the RIGHT PEOPLE… this is the key as soon as I saw Harambe website, I knew this would […]
Oli, France (Testimonial)

Namaste, my name is Oli.

Like a lot of you I guess, I’ve been looking for a place to do Ibogaine for a long time: the right location, the right cost, the right feeling…but most of all the RIGHT PEOPLE… this is the key as soon as I saw Harambe website, I knew this would be THE place, I felt in confidence straight away, got a good vibe from Cathy and Bilal.

Three weeks later I was there, in the sun of south Spain, in the Valley! They live a nice isolated house with veg garden, chickens and all… it’s very familial place, you stay in their own house with them and their kids…

When I think back of these fancy clinics in South America i m just wondering how could you make such an experience in this kind of environment ? trust me you don t need the nice view , the pool, and white coat doctor ! you’re just so happy to be in a cosy house with people who are not in a doctor/patient relationship , just from one individual to another , and who re there for you 100% of the time…

I can’t talk for everyone , but for me it has been one of the hardest experience of my life and yet one of the best thing that happened to me i remember Cathy repeating to encourage me ” what matters is THE AFTER ” so you re hanging on to that thought but you have actually no idea what is this after going to be…

well I’m telling you, it’s amazing! it’s beyond your expectations because you’re actually living it, a full power energy, good vibration, so positive…

For me it’s like Ibogaine breaks you into pcs, to a point you can’t imagine, so you can reborn or rebuilt yourself from the start with no old patterns/ habit/ addiction, and during this long process ( I know it’s actually not that long but when you’re there it feels like months, I've read it before and I was like ” oh 40 hours where minutes look like hours, I can make it, it’s only 1 and half day ! ” well…) Ibogaine goes through your whole body and mind, and cleanses you from the inside … you’ll feel empty, helpless, restless, trapped in that damn valley… this is normal, but when you finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, it’s so wonderful, like this warm feeling of happiness and peace going through your veins and full body, a feeling I never had before and that nothing can disturb…

It’s worth the trouble, it really is… feeling so free and in harmony with the world around you, what is more important than that?

Cathy and Bilal are amazing people, very special… because to do this kind of work you have to be ..there won’t be any judgment from their part ( which is rare) , they’re just here to help you go through this amazing experience considering your past and who you are.

I wouldn’t even call it a job , it’s a vocation they have, you can feel it right away…

I’m so glad I waited this long to end up doing it in Harambe, it’s been just perfect.… I feel very lucky I found them and will always keep this ” moment” as a treasure deep inside me…

Hare Om

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Video Testimonials

Hear from those who transformed their lives at Harambe Ibogaine Rehab Centre
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