Just thought I’d email to say thanks for the treatment, for fitting me in at such short notice and for putting up with the pathetic moaning and groaning of the 37-year-old man-baby!
Life, coping and generally everything definitely feels different this time, the proper dose or flood had the desired effect I think but also having such important motivational forces such as bastard social services on my case was/is the scare and kick up the arse I needed. It does put a completely different perspective on it all and make the whole situation very serious this time around. Also, the day in hospital with my asthma episode was what I needed, it helped in many ways.
Maybe for the recreational drug users (junkies) you should factor a day trip to Valencia General into the treatment somewhere towards the end of the 5 days, just to scare the shit out of those junkies who are falling apart at the seams. Bloody well worked for me. It was the scare that I needed, the essential wake up call. I’m still smoking rollies as it keeps me feeling relatively sane but that needs to stop soon as well.
Bilal…. perhaps you’re right, maybe I did need a proper slap when I was younger, I did kind of did get a few slaps from my dad but prob not nearly hard enough!
If you’re interested (?), since being home I’ve have had more Dr’s app’s, rehab / counselling sessions than I can count and even attended my first NA meeting yesterday (yes!) and it was actually OK. Lots of hugging and reciting from some kind of NA handbook but all in all a pretty positive experience and nobody asking me where I was going to score at the end of the session.
If I’m honest, I’ve used B once since being back, I had (found) a good/crap reason which I won’t bother boring you with the details, it tasted shit, did nothing for me aside from making me realise I don’t want or need it anymore, seriously, it was just shit. I’m actually pleased I did it and the cravings are fading day by day.
I actually thought the first time I came here that you guys just took money and sat around doing nothing, having been back I can see that it is certainly not the case and that you do work hard, you are there to shout us back into bed when you know we need to lie down!!!!
Anyway, that’s enough, I do hope you’re all OK and wish you the best of luck for the future.