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Jan, Wales (Testimonial)

Open letter to anyone who may be interested in going to see Bilal and Cathy at Harambe detox centre in Spain.

My name is Jan. I am a 52-year-old woman. I decided to take the plunge and try ibogaine for help with clinical depression.

To cut a long story short I was originally diagnosed with a chemical imbalance in the brain. I was told I needed to take anti-depressants as my brain was not able to make serotonin. As a result, I have spent over 16 years on different pills at various strengths.

I decided on Harambe as I liked the idea of a husband and wife team. And a family setting. It felt like it would be more relaxed and natural. Less like a clinic I suppose.

I read their reviews including one bad one. Which didn’t put me off. After nearly 10 years of providing ibogaine one bad review was nothing in my book. and it felt right. Also, somehow, I found that bad review sort of comforting as it wasn’t too perfect (if that makes sense) I had also read Bilal’s response to it and weighed up the arguments. So felt totally confident about going to Harambe.

After exchanging a few e-mails. I asked for advice regarding diet etc.

I decided to throw my self whole-heartedly into preparing my body ready for the plant medicine. I lost two stone in weight. I did the Healthy food and exercise bit and got off the pills.

This was ok for a while but I started to suffer as I was pill free but going downhill fast mentally. Cathy and Bilal very kindly let me bring my date (originally for November) forward to September. I was so grateful. They were fab and so accommodating.

Cathy picked me up from the airport. I instantly loved her. And felt really at ease. Cathy is warm, kind, intelligent and good fun.

Cathy made me a magnesium flush the night I arrived so I would be ready to take the ibogaine the next day.

Bilal gave me the test dose. Then after a while I was given the flood dose. After an hour or so I started to feel light headed and had a buzzing sensation in my ears. (bit like a mosquito or electric fan heater sound) .

I went to my room which was clean and tidy with fresh white linen on the bed. The room was spacious and airy with an en-suite. Including a bath and shower.

I lay down on the bed Bilal made sure it was dark so the light didn’t bother me. Gave me an eye mask. Then left. I felt fine as I knew the family where only a few yards away. And I was comforted by the sounds of family life. Bilal offered to keep any noise down to a minimum. But I insisted he didn’t bother as I wanted to hear them close by. Although I don’t even remember any noise at all really.

Soon after, I started to “dream” with my eyes open. I saw neon bright coloured lights in lines and a fresco of lizards. When I zoomed in, I saw the lizards had paint brushes and where painting the fresco its self. (when I got home, I looked up lizard on spirit/totem animal sites and it talked about the lucid dreamer being regenerated and healing. Also, that we create our own life and find our own purpose (Apt I thought) .

I also saw a face come out of the wall coming backwards and forwards towards my face. But I didn’t feel unnerved by it looked like a male face. And that’s all I remember really. I didn’t throw up at all. Neither did I feel sick. (because I did the diet and knew to stay still)

Once it was over, I called for Bilal who assisted me in getting up and walking me to the lounge and outside for some air. Then he helped me back to bed. I felt very touched by Bilal’s empathy and the care and sensitivity he showed. I felt safe and respected.

To my mind Bilal and Cathy provide an important service especially for people like me who are at their wits end and just want their life back. They do what they can, healing the world, one person at a time. And they are quite cheaply priced compared to most providers. No money exchanged hands until I got there. They never even asked for money or even half up front. That went along way with me. These are good and honourable people. Down to earth and fair.

I was saddened to hear that Bilal and his children experienced racism. But impressed by his dedication to continue to help heal in spite of small-minded bigotry. (which must wear a person down.) A top bloke. Seriously.

I am hoping to go back and do this ibogaine again within a year. (just to be totally sure.) As for food and water. I didn’t feel hungry or thirsty the whole time. Strange really because you would think that would be the case after that length of time.

Within a week of being home I got better each day. People around me have noticed a definite shift in me. My energy levels have improved and so has my mind set. I also liked the way my mind felt clear and unburdened. At peace if you will.

I have no hesitation in recommending these providers to anyone. I wouldn’t personally consider going anywhere else.

Big thanks to the sacred plant iboga and of course Cathy and Bilal their two adorable children and Bilal’s son Ebou who was a star.

Good luck and love and light to all those who are in search of healing.