Hi, my name is Clem, please forgive my English, I’m a French man living in the South of France !
Before going to Harambe, I was experiencing hard times and I had to make up my mind to go forward…
Iboga came to me in very special and beautiful way…
I remembered a good mate who did this experience some time ago so I decided myself to enquire about Iboga.
I deeply felt the need to do something cause I realized I could not continue like that and I start reading a lot about Iboga.
First, like you, I was not so confident about doing such a trip, so I had to know more about Iboga before doing it.
Relying on such testimonials, I discovered this profound and extraordinary method to free oneself from inner troubles and to find inner peace more easily.
I first saw the website of Harambe and compared to other places and I saw on pictures, that one gave me a very good feeling.
One month after I contacted Bilal by e-mail, he gave me confidence in such a process, I felt at ease and I knew it’s the place!!!
One month later, after observing the specific advices and diet, (really important to prepare the experience) I arrived in Spain after driving ten hours.
As soon as I arrived, I felt the very friendly and welcoming atmosphere in their own family, like home. We spent time speaking and preparing the session in a very cool way!
To speak about « The Experience » …
I won’t describe it with details because words aren’t not enough and you’ll have to live it yourself.
First, let’s say it’s deeply meaningful. After you swallow the capsules, you feel the natural medicine get through your whole body and the point is that you must admit « Stop trying to control ! ». Because you can’t.
It doesn’t mean that you’re lost but your ordinary conscience escapes to your mind, it could be really terrifying for someone. Take it easy!!!
It’s a very very long journey, hours seem like days, days like weeks, so don’t panic and take your time, you’ll be lucky to explore your brain for a week.
It won’t be necessary to return too quickly to your daily perceptions and to your sense of « reality », here is the point for me.
This experience is really rich, so take your time again to explore it to the fullest. Because after the trip you will have flashbacks.
The next three days weren’t not so comfortable, you can’t sleep well, it was the time to find a new balance, to get back to common reality with a new wealth.
Now I have a new freshness, with good vibes, pure feeling without fears, mental addictions and obsessions.
I would simply say a certain wisdom and lightness. « c’est trop bon ! ».
Of course It’s not like going to Disneyland, it is much more valuable and if you feel ready for a very strong experience, you have to go!
I really want to thank Cathy, Bilal and their children for their kindness, for all these glad and cool moments we spent together.
We liked sharing music, good talks about Life, Man’s path and simple things.
They changed my life… Thank you very very much…
Have a Groovy and a sweet life…
There are truly no words on earth to describe how ibogaine, Cathy and her amazing family and program changed my life. There for I do not really know how to start this. So I’ll just jump right in…
Sometime in early spring of 2016 I was living in San Francisco California. We all know it is an extremely expensive place to live, so to make ends meet I worked many jobs, thus burning myself out so to speak. One of my gigs at the time was managing a popular nightclub in the evenings, so drugs were all around me.
When I felt it was too much, I fell onto heroin and fentayl, and hard. I had previously had several years clean prior to this. Once I literally realized I was going to die as many actually did all around me I panicked.
Luckily, I knew of ibogaine from my past, the first time I ever had an opiate problem. The problem was back then the only ibogaine treatment centres I could find were all in Mexico and central American countries.
Due to bureaucracy these clinics tend to be a little shady so in order to find a trustworthy place you must spend thousands… Put it this way. My trip to Valencia Spain from San Francisco California plus full detox treatment was literally a fraction of the price.
If you truly want to put behind all your addictions, move on past a defibrillating ailment in your life, I can’t not recommend ibogaine hci treatment enough to you in words.
If not for Cathy, Bilal, family and this treatment you wouldn’t be reading this, for I would of been dead a few years ago by now. Real talk.
Now I’m happily married living in Barcelona working on my true passions in life, all the ones i lost touch with due to drugs.
I personally vouch on behalf of this treatment and family working behind it 110%.
Cathy picked me up for the airport, catered to my nutritional needs as a 20 plus year vegan *best chickpea masala of all time btw!’ I couldn’t of asked for any more.
Hello I have 27, for more than 10 years I was addicted to morphine and especially the last two years I was falling into the abyss of this drug I had used more than 500mg a day, I lost my marriage and my child and I was attending an center addiction but they no offer alternatives except methadone or another synthetic opiate, until the day I started to search on the net and I am to fall on the site of Catherine and Bilal, so I started to read the positive comments and after a few weeks I decided to have passed the course I send a message to Catherine explaining my problem and she has very quickly answered by explaining the progress and she reassured me a lot.
1 week later I arrived at home Bilal, her husband came to pick me up at the airport, to be honest with you I was very skeptical about the outcome of this detox and I did not really think it could help, well I was wrong, it was a very hard test but Catherine and Bilal are very professional and they knew their job well, the environment is very favourable for a cure, I advise anyone who if you believe in taking plant medicine, you will have a very close family and people who have their hands on their hearts, something that is rare nowadays.
Why you should choose Harambe Ibogaine Detox Centre?
I fully recommend the ibogaine experience with Bilal and Cathy. I had a preconception that they might be two crazy hippies who would encourage me to talk to trees and denounce myself as an animal murderer, but they are just two lovely, knowledgeable and down-to-earth people. As soon as I arrived and got chatting to them and their kids, I felt relaxed and I really enjoyed getting to know the whole family over the course of five days. They also have the loveliest and most well-trained (Ridgeback) dog: Jamma.
They live in a beautiful part of the world and after I recovered from the Ibogaine experience, I spent my time either lying in a hammock in their botanical conservatory, sunbathing on the roof or walking with the dog through the orange groves and eating delicious oranges. By the end of my stay, I felt fully recharged and ready to face the world again.
I fully recommend Cathy, Bilal and this setting over staying in a clinic. They have all the relevant knowledge to ensure you have the experience you need, and probably twice the compassion (compared to clinic doctors).
How was my ibogaine experience?
Cathy picked me up from the airport and took me to their house; when I arrived, Bilal gave me a drink which cleared out my system. Then I just relaxed on my bed and watched films on my laptop and went to sleep. The next morning Bilal gave me the first ibogaine capsule, then another an hour later but nothing was happening. However, I lay there a little longer and I started to enjoy the shard of light coming through the blind turning into a hallucination of a beach. This was just the beginning. Throughout the following few hours as things got more intense, Bilal and Cathy both made regular checks on me without disturbing me (which was perfect). The whole time I was also fully aware of who I was and where I was; I even tried to test myself with thinking of scary stuff and it was fine because I knew that I was in control. As others have said, you do get more sensitive to noise. I would recommend bringing ear plugs because you are in a house and there naturally will be some noise, but for me it wasn’t really a bother.
I cannot really recall any of the visions I had. They were not linked in any emotionally relevant way to me, nor did they show me anything revelatory. However, I was able to think deeply about who I was as a person, the things I said to people and why I said them. It was like, for the first time, I was able to think without all the other opinions and influences from outside casting doubt on the truthfulness of my thoughts and beliefs. I discovered some stuff that really struck on a visceral level, and this was stuff I had already known on an intellectual level but it had never penetrated to motivate active change.
This stuff was mainly my need for attention and focus on myself. I kept remembering snippets of conversations I had had over the past few months and all of them were showing me that the stuff I was saying was designed to draw attention to me (both positive and negative), and the focus was always on how I was presenting myself to the world. The ibogaine also revealed a false self I had developed to mask a fragile ego. This false self was opinionated, controversial and somewhat obnoxious.
After a few hours, the ibogaine began to subside in strength. This is the hardest part because you lay there with your thoughts for the next 24-48 hours and it is really really boring. However, it is vital because you can still think in a creative way and it helps cement and clarify new insights. The next morning after the experience, Bilal brought me fruit, granola and yoghurt (after no food for about 40 hours). I was sooo happy and I definitely felt Stockholm syndrome towards him J.
How do I feel now (3 weeks later)?
In some ways I am not much different. My personality has not changed drastically. I still drink more than I should and I love meat just as much as before. However, I feel like I scraped out a negative and false feeling inside myself. I feel calmer and more compassionate towards my friends and family, and I also feel this more towards myself. I can see aspects of myself that I really like more clearly and I feel less attached and ashamed of my negative traits. It’s like I’ve detached the negative traits from my identity and now they just live in my mind, ready to be slowly destroyed (no rush). Finally, I feel motivated to make active changes towards self-improvement in the form of therapy.
Final advice?
Don’t be afraid to undertake this experience. It will give you what you need.
I wanted to take iboga because I have had a lot of trauma and problems in my life. The relationship with my mother broke early. She turned my siblings against me. As a man, relationships with women seemed to get to a point but not go further due to my mental/emotional blocks. I then went through many problems. By 13 began smoking weed and by 30 I was spending three quarters of my surplus wages on it. I had heard about iboga treatment for a while but was sceptical. My uncle did the treatment and he directed me to www.harambedetox.com
When I arrived at Harambe Detox I felt safe with them. They are very practical and down to earth; they are not fake shamans and are respectful of the medicine and they give all the credit to the medicine and not themselves. The iboga was something else! I was in another world of confusing visions and crazy dreams. Every one´s visions/experience is different so I won’t go into the details. When I awoke, I felt an amazing calmness, happiness and lack of cravings. I could think about weed and not feel that I needed to smoke it, not even tobacco! This has created an amazing freedom in my life. Now I look at the situation with my family and not feel the rage and disappointment that I once felt. Having so much more money and being free of addiction is a great feeling!
I still feel that I have more exploring to do with iboga and I will be coming back to do more. Catherine explained that we are like onions, and each treatment peels of a layer. In my opinion, everyone should take it in their lives. I would say Catherine and Bilal are humble not to give themselves credit as they are concerned, very caring and watchful, there to help you if you need.
You have to be ready to write a success story and I was not. At least not yet.
I went to Valencia for a one week stay in May 2017. Despite the 2 negative reviews, I found it to be exactly as advertised. Cathy picked me up at the airport with the 2 little ones in the back seat. The kids were 4 and 9 at the time and just the way kids that age are. The room I was in had an own bathroom, food and drinks were provided.
Now to the treatment itself. I was still on my medication, namely 800mg of xr morphine daily. Even though I’d didn’t take it the day of the treatment, I took it the day before.
To get the full psychedelic effect of ibogaine, one should be already clean or further into withdrawal. Not in full withdrawal, but further than I was when I got the first dose. There is of course the factor of me being an absolute sissy about wd’s.
I didn’t have a visual trip, didn’t have any revelations but except for some restless legs, sweating and shivering I didn’t have any wd symptoms either. So, it works and if you’re ready to go home sober and keep it that way, ibogaine is a valuable tool to get there. I literally skipped the worst part of withdrawal. The next day I was really weakened, but since I couldn’t stand being in that room with my own thoughts, I sought out Bilal and talked a little, went for a shaky walk around the house and then back to bed.
It’s not easy, but it’s the best chance I have. I relapsed after 24 hours back home. But I will definitely go back to take two flood doses when I’m finished with university. The service Cathy and Bilal provide fills the gap between shady clinics in eastern Europe, expensive retreats in Mexico that don’t give out full flood doses (as I hear) and doing it alone at home, which is dangerous.
I want to mention that I threw up a lot during the final stages of the ‘trip’ and since it might’ve been blood Cathy didn’t hesitate a second to take me to the hospital.
Looking forward to doing it right the next time. Even though I relapsed I’m glad I did the experience. Now I know for sure that there’s a way out that works.
Anledningen till att jag bestämde mig för att åkte ner till Harambe Ibogaine rehab var för att jag i ungefär 5års tid efter ett dödstrauma med jämna mellanrum känt mig deprimerad med panikångest attacker som följd och inte lyckats att få bort dessa känslor o tankar på traditionel medicinsk eller terapeftisk väg.
Oktober 2013 åkte jag till Peru o provade Ayahuaska med positivt resultat som varade i ungefär i 3-4 månader. Känslorna o tankarna återkom. Januari 2015 kände jag att nu var det dax igen att göra något åt min situation, fick kontakt med Bilal o Cathy på Harambe Ibogaine Rehab o kände direkt en famlijär o personlig känsla som jag ville jobba vidare på. Bokade in mig på en 10dagars behandling o åkte ner. Väl nere hos Bilal o Cathy så kände jag mig som en i familjen o nervositeten o spänningarna försvann.
Vi planerade upp att jag skulle ta Ibogaine vid 2 olika tillfällen under dom här 10 dagarna. Efter 1:a resan/dosen som varade i ungefär 5-6 timmar med ett vilo dygn kände jag mig fantastiskt mycket bättre, den här medicinen jobbar verkligen på djupet av en själv o rensade bort mina dåliga känslor o tankar som jag har burit med mig i så många år. Jag har bara känt mig bättre o bättre för varje dag som gått sedan behandlingen.
Efter 3dagar bestämde jag mig för att inte ta en 2:a dos och Bilal han höll med för han tyckte att vi gjort stora framsteg, det kändes härligt. Jag åkte hem efter 6dagar som en ny människa. Jag vill verkligen tacka Bilal o Cathy för deras härliga stöd under dom här sex dagarna och jag rekommenderar verkligen deras behandlingsform. Om jag ska jämnföra Ayahuaska o Ibogaine så kändes det som om att Ibogaine går mer på djupet med en som person o tar bort negativa känslor o tankar som kan fastna som minnen i kroppen, härlig känsla , 5kilo lättare fysiskt, 200kg lättare mentalt.:)
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