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Harambe Ibogaine Detox Retreat Centre - Testimonials

Below are many testimonials of our service, please browse them at leisure.

Clem, France (Testimonial)

Hi, my name is Clem, please forgive my English, I’m a French man living in the South of France !

Before going to Harambe, I was experiencing hard times and I had to make up my mind to go forward…

Iboga came to me in very special and beautiful way…

I remembered a good mate who did this experience some time ago so I decided myself to enquire about Iboga.

I deeply felt the need to do something cause I realized I could not continue like that and I start reading a lot about Iboga.

First, like you, I was not so confident about doing such a trip, so I had to know more about Iboga before doing it.

Relying on such testimonials, I discovered this profound and extraordinary method to free oneself from inner troubles and to find inner peace more easily.

I first saw the website of Harambe and compared to other places and I saw on pictures, that one gave me a very good feeling.

One month after I contacted Bilal by e-mail, he gave me confidence in such a process, I felt at ease and I knew it’s the place!!!

One month later, after observing the specific advices and diet, (really important to prepare the experience) I arrived in Spain after driving ten hours.

As soon as I arrived, I felt the very friendly and welcoming atmosphere in their own family, like home. We spent time speaking and preparing the session in a very cool way!

To speak about « The Experience » …
I won’t describe it with details because words aren’t not enough and you’ll have to live it yourself.

First, let’s say it’s deeply meaningful. After you swallow the capsules, you feel the natural medicine get through your whole body and the point is that you must admit « Stop trying to control ! ». Because you can’t.

It doesn’t mean that you’re lost but your ordinary conscience escapes to your mind, it could be really terrifying for someone. Take it easy!!!

It’s a very very long journey, hours seem like days, days like weeks, so don’t panic and take your time, you’ll be lucky to explore your brain for a week.

It won’t be necessary to return too quickly to your daily perceptions and to your sense of « reality », here is the point for me.

This experience is really rich, so take your time again to explore it to the fullest. Because after the trip you will have flashbacks.

The next three days weren’t not so comfortable, you can’t sleep well, it was the time to find a new balance, to get back to common reality with a new wealth.

Now I have a new freshness, with good vibes, pure feeling without fears, mental addictions and obsessions.

I would simply say a certain wisdom and lightness. « c’est trop bon ! ».

Of course It’s not like going to Disneyland, it is much more valuable and if you feel ready for a very strong experience, you have to go!

I really want to thank Cathy, Bilal and their children for their kindness, for all these glad and cool moments we spent together.

We liked sharing music, good talks about Life, Man’s path and simple things.

They changed my life… Thank you very very much…

Have a Groovy and a sweet life…


Jørn, Norway (Testimonial)

Jeg har hatt problemer med negative tanker, dårlig selvtillit, vrangforestillinger og depresjon. Jeg har tidligere brukt ulike rusmidler.

Jeg har prøvd ulike former for tradisjonell terapi. Jeg har blitt gitt psykiatriske medisiner av ulike typer, men disse har i det lange løpet bare forverret sinnet mitt. Lenge har jeg hørt om bruk av psykadelika for ulike psykiske problemer. Jeg bestemte meg for å gå for to doser med Ibogain.

Jeg ble møtt med empati og respekt av Cathrine og Bilal. Jeg snakket med dem om min livssituasjon og de ga meg veldig gode tips for hva jeg burde fokuserer på eller gjøre videre i livet mitt.

Jeg ble gitt en sterk dose. Etter en stund merket jeg endringer i tankemønsteret mitt. Jeg var i en slags drømmeverden der tiden ikke fantes og jeg hallusinerte. Jeg ble følelsesladd og gråt av glede flere ganger. Etter at «drømmen» sluttet var jeg tankeløs.

Tre-fire dager senere ble jeg gikk en dose nr. to. Denne gangen opplevde jeg noe spessielt. Det føltes ut som om hjernen min endret plassering, som om den satt seg på riktig plass. Etter den andre dosen føltes sinnet mitt lettere. Trangen til bruk av rusmidler, også tobakk, var mer eller mindre helt borte.

Opplevelsen er helt klart til å anbefale. Per i dag, to uker senere, har jeg det betraktelig lettere med destruktive/negative tanker og jeg føler at selvtilliten min er sterkere enn før. Jeg vurderer å dra tilbake til Bilal og Cathrine i fremtiden for å holde denne flotte endringen ved like.

I have had problems with negative thoughts, poor self-esteem, delusions and depression. I have previously used various drugs.

I have tried various forms of traditional therapy. I have been given psychiatric drugs of various kinds, but these have in the long run only worsened my mind. Long have I heard about using psykadelika for various psychological problems. I decided to go for two doses of Ibogaine.

I was greeted with empathy and respect of Cathrine and Bilal. I talked to them about my situation and they gave me very good tips for what I should focus on or do next in my life. I was given a strong dose. After a while I noticed changes in my thinking pattern. I was in a sort of dream world where time does not exist and I hallucinated. I became emotional and cried for joy several times. After the “dream” ended I was thoughtless.

Three or four days later I went a dose number. Two. This time I experienced something appreciated particularly. It felt as if my brain changed location, as if it set itself in the right place. After the second dose felt my mind easier. The urge to use drugs, tobacco, was more or less completely lost.

The experience is definitely going to recommend. As of today, two weeks later, I have it considerably easier with destructive / negative thoughts and I feel that my self-esteem is stronger than before.

I’m considering going back to Bilal and Cathrine in the future to keep this great change by equal.


Asma, Morocco - (Iboga Testimonial)

I've been struggling with trauma and many mental and emotional blocks. I've hit a wall where I became entirely imprisoned by my mind and couldn't escape it. My days became unbearable and filled with self-inflicted suffering. After therapy, coaching, and working on myself, I needed something beyond the mental sphere, which is why I've taken this leap of faith.

Bilal is very professional at his craft. I've had an easy journey because I followed his instructions before the day of the treatment (medical tests, diet, sleep, preparation, etc.).

It was worth the experience, and I felt like I'd spent two years of therapy in one night. The Iboga won't solve your problems overnight or give you what you want or expect, but it will deliver you exactly what you currently need and show how you can move forward. You still have to do the work and practice the teachings actively and regularly.

Personally, the Iboga cracked my mind open and showed me to my face all my negative thoughts patterns and how I've let them control my life. I could make peace with my major traumas, and I gained a lot of clarity. I realized I am not my thoughts but the awareness of my thoughts, and I can choose to be entertained by them or let them go at will.

Some other learnings seemed very basic and obvious, but there is a difference between understanding them and "getting" them.

I'm far from being transformed, but I'm grateful for this experience. I will come back in a few years when I'm sure I've integrated and practiced all the learnings for going to the next stage.

Video Testimonials

Dominic's video testimonial

Yonamine's video testimonial